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Friday, 20 October 2023

Secret Hitler

Scene: 5 friends are sitting around a table with the Secret Hitler board game in front of them

Alright guys, it's time to play Secret Hitler! 

shuffles President and Hitler cards and deals them out secretly to each player 

Jake: Remember, two people at this table are Fascists trying to take over the government by electing Hitler as Chancellor. The rest of us are Liberals trying to stop them. Let the game begin!

The first round of policy drafting occurs

Sarah: Okay first vote, I'm voting blue. I think it's a safe liberal policy.

Michael: I agree, voting blue as well.

Emma: Hmm I'm not so sure. I'll abstain to be safe.

David: Good call Emma, I'll also abstain.

Jake: Alright well since we don't have a majority, this round is a failure. On to the next! draws new policy cards

Debate and chaos ensue as players try to determine who the fascists may be through subtle hints and accusations during policy votes and presidential selections

Michael: Guys, I really think it could be Emma, she's been too quiet.

Emma: No way, you're trying to deflect from yourself! I say, we elect David as president, this round.

David: Oh no you don't, you're not pinning this on me! 

everyone bursts into arguments trying to discern who is on what side

Jake: Order in the court! Let's just proceed with the vote. 

election occurs with much scepticism

Jake: Alright, policies failed again last round. We really need to elect a president we can trust this time.

Michael: I say we go with David. He abstained on the first vote like Emma suggested, so he seems reasonably liberal.

Emma: Yeah but he could just be trying to lay low as a fascist! I still think we don't have enough information on you Michael.

Michael: Seriously? You're still on me? What do I have to do to prove myself to you people!

David: To be fair Michael does make some good points during debates. I vote we give him a chance.

Sarah: I'm with Emma, we can't risk electing someone without being more certain.

Jake: Well we're at a stalemate again. Unless someone wants to volunteer some insider information? all stay silent Fine, let's table the president vote for now and keep debating policy.

next policy comes up and a heated debate ensues

Emma: I just don't see how this random green policy is helping us long term. It feels like a fascist ploy to me.

Michael: So everything that doesn't go your way is fascist now? Come on Emma think logically here.

David: You know, Michael is right that we can't call fascist on everything prematurely. But I am still suspicious of this green policy's intentions.

Sarah: Really feeling unsure of everyone at this table except maybe Jake. Can someone please give us a sign one way or another?!

Jake: I hate to agree but we're getting nowhere fast. Fascists, feel free to subtly signal your allegiance if you want a chance at winning this thing. Otherwise LIBERALS UNITE!

Jake: Alright, our options this round are a yellow policy or a red policy. Thoughts?

Emma: Red seems too aggressive to me. That plays into fascist hands. Yellow seems like the safer, more liberal choice.

Michael: Normally I'd agree but Yellow could be a feint. The fascists know we're wary of Red so they may be pushing Yellow to lull us into a false sense of security.

Sarah: They could say the same thing about any policy choice though. How do we actually determine the better option?

David: This is tough. Usually color alone isn't enough to judge a policy's intent. We need to look at factors like game state, past voting patterns, and personality reads on each other.

Jake: David's right. Where do people stand on Red vs Yellow given everything we know so far in the game? Arguments for either side?

Emma: I still think Yellow. The fascists had chances to take control already and didn't. Maybe they don't have the numbers yet.

Michael: Or Yellow is their way to get the numbers. I say we chance Red and hope for the best. At least it's a bolder move.

Sarah: I'm torn but think I agree with Michael. Yellow starts to feel like a cop-out.

David: Interesting points all around. In that case, I say we go for Red and see what happens. But stay on guard everyone!

Jake: Red it is then. Fingers crossed for the best. Let's see how this plays out! 

policy is enacted and game continues.

Jake: Alright, with 5 players I should have shuffled 10 cards - 5 President cards and 5 Hitler cards. But as I was dealing them out, I only counted distributing 9 total. Who's holding out on us?!

Emma: See, I knew something sneaky was going on. Who has the extra card?

Michael: Don't look at me, I got two face-down like everyone else. Maybe Jake miscounted?

David: No, Jake's very meticulous about setting up the game correctly. Someone isn't showing their full hand...

Sarah: Well the suspense is killing me. Own up fascists, which one of you is withholding info from the group?!

Jake: Let me recount everyone's cards just to be sure... pretends to scrutinize each player's cards Yup, still one unaccounted for. The fascists are definitely trying to conceal their numbers.

Michael: This is an outrage! I demand a re-deal if we can't have full transparency.

David: Calm down Michael, getting defensive won't help your case. We just need to sniff out who the liar is through good old deduction.

Emma: My money's on Michael or David. They've both got a bit too much to say about this missing card situation if you ask me...

Sarah: Only one way to find out the truth - keep playing and see who slips up! The fascists can't hide forever...

Jake: Agreed, the game will uncover our mystery card holder. For now, let's just keep debating policies as usual. But I've got my eyes on you all...

As the game progressed, suspicions kept mounting around each player. But no one could definitively prove another's allegiance - until Jake drew the fateful Hitler card.

Jake: I don't believe it...Sarah, you're Secret Hitler! Well don't just sit there, how do you plead?

Sarah: nervously Me? No no, you must be mistaken! I've been trying to help guide us to liberal policies all game!

Emma: Yeah right, you're just scrambling now that you've been found out. Only a fascist would put up such a lame defence.

Michael: Hold on now, let's not rush to judgment. Sarah, tell us your side of the story. What policies have you truly been advocating for and why?

Sarah: Umm, well like I said I just want what's best for Germany. The yellow policy last round seemed safest if I recall...

David: An interesting answer but not very convincing. Clearly, she's uncomfortable directly addressing her role now. The signs point fascist to me.

Jake: I have to agree, Sarah's body language and weak responses reek of deceit. Face it, Hitler, the jig is up! You've been outed as our secret fascist leader.

Sarah: panicking No please, you don't understand! I only wanted what I thought was right for the people. Give me a chance to redeem myself, I swear I'm really liberal at heart!

Emma: Nice try but no one is falling for that. It's over for you and your fascist friends Sarah. Game over, liberals win!

Just as it seemed the liberals had triumphed...

Jake: Wait just a minute I was putting the Hitler card away, another fell out of the stack. Emma, you've got some explaining to do!

Emma: What?! No, there must be some mistake. I was the one accusing Sarah this whole time!

Michael: But now that I think about it, you did seem almost too eager to point the finger at her...

David: This is getting juicy. Alright Emma, we're all listening. Convince us you're not a double-crossing fascist in disguise!

Emma: I-I don't know what to say! I truly thought I was helping by outing Sarah. Maybe the chaos of two Hitlers exposed confused me too. Please guys, you've got to believe I'm on your side!

Sarah: Sorry but I don't buy it for a second. Looks like little Miss Perfect over here was playing us all for fools to aid her fascist schemes!

Jake: The plot thickens! Emma, your cover is blown. With two Hitlers at the table, the liberals never had a chance. Thanks for the thrilling game everyone - the fascists reign triumphant!

David: Wait just a minute... Jake, is that what I think it is peeking out from under your feet?

Jake: What? No, there's nothing there! 

Jake tries to subtly sweep area with foot.

Michael: Oh no you don't, don't think we don't see it! Lift your foot Jake, let's see what you're hiding...

A tense moment of silence as Jake lifts his foot to reveal...the third Secret Hitler card!

Emma: I don't believe it! Jake, you absolute snake, you were leading the fascists the whole time, weren't you?

Sarah: Knew we couldn't trust the guy overseeing the game. Sly move Jake, well played.

Jake: Alright ya caught me red-handed! As the saying goes, the fascists are always among us, even in plain sight. Thanks for the fun game folks!

David: What a finale! Three fascists coordinating secretly the whole time. Goes to show you really can never be too careful in Secret Hitler. Fantastic game all around!

With that shocking triple Hitler reveal, the fascist ambitions were truly achieved!

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