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Tuesday 6 February 2024

Best Prompts that Work Well With Bard


Go to: In the prompt box at the bottom, enter (replacing the youtube link with one of your choosing): 

Example 1: "analyze this video and tell me what it's about:"

Bard Result 6/2/2024: This video is about a parrot named BPL solving a puzzle. The parrot is presented with a puzzle with multiple shapes and is asked to sort them into the correct slots. The parrot is able to successfully solve the puzzle, even though the shapes are mixed up.
Hope you found this summary helpful!

Example 2: Analyze this video and provide a summary and breakdown:

Bard Result 6/2/2024: This video is about a parrot named BPL solving a puzzle. The parrot is presented with a puzzle that requires it to identify and sort different shapes. The shapes are placed at the end of small branches. The parrot successfully sorts the shapes, demonstrating its intelligence and ability to solve puzzles.

Here is a breakdown of the video:

The video begins with the host explaining that parrots are intelligent birds that can solve puzzles.
The host introduces the puzzle that BPL will be solving. The puzzle consists of different shapes placed at the end of small branches.
The host asks BPL to solve the puzzle. BPL successfully sorts the shapes by color and size.
The host is impressed by BPL's intelligence and ability to solve puzzles.
Overall, this video is a short and sweet demonstration of a parrot's intelligence and problem-solving skills.

Prompts For Creative Writing:

@poem [topic or theme]: Generate a poem on a specific subject or following a certain style.
@story [opening line or prompt]: Create a story based on a starting point or theme.
@script [scene description]: Describe a scene and let Bard write the dialogue.
@song [genre or mood]: Generate lyrics for a song in a specific style.

Prompts For Content Creation:

@blog post [title and key points]: Write a blog post based on a given title and outline.
@email [recipient, subject, and key message]: Draft an email with specific tone and content.
@business plan [one-sentence summary]: Generate a basic outline for a business plan.
@marketing copy [product or service]: Create persuasive marketing copy for a specific offering.

Prompts For information and learning:

@explain [complex concept]: Break down a difficult concept into simpler terms.
@summarize [article or website]: Provide a concise overview of a lengthy text.
@compare and contrast [two things]: Highlight similarities and differences between two concepts.
@research [topic]: Gather relevant information and insights on a specific subject.

Prompts For fun and conversation:

@tell me a joke: Get a laugh with a Bard-generated joke.
@write a limerick: Enjoy a silly limerick poem created by Bard.
@what if [hypothetical scenario]: Explore the possibilities of an imaginary situation.
@have a conversation about [topic]: Engage in a casual chat with Bard on a chosen topic.

Prompts General purpose:

@inform me about: This prompt can be used to gather information on a specific topic. For example, you could ask "@inform me about the history of artificial intelligence."

@summarize: This prompt can be used to get a concise overview of a longer piece of text. For example, you could ask "@summarize the latest article on climate change."

@translate: This prompt can be used to translate text from one language to another. For example, you could ask "@translate this sentence into Spanish: Hello, how are you?"

@write: This prompt can be used to generate different creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. For example, you could ask "@write a poem about love and loss."
More specific prompts:

@write a blog post about [topic]: This prompt can be used to generate a blog post on a specific topic, complete with an engaging title and introduction.

@create a marketing campaign for [product]: This prompt can be used to generate ideas for a marketing campaign for a specific product or service.

@answer these questions about [topic]: This prompt can be used to get answers to a specific set of questions about a topic.

@compare and contrast [product 1] and [product 2]: This prompt can be used to get a comparison of two different products or services.

*At the time of writing, Bard can create images, but only if you have a Google account and are located in the USA. OR, use a VPN and point yourself to somewhere in the US.

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